General conditions of carriage for passengers
The purchase of an Air Ticket from DreamJet constitutes a contract of carriage between the ticket user and DreamJet, to travel on a Flight operated by it or by one of its partners. This transport contract is subject to the specific contractual conditions of the Ticket, to the applicable Fares and to these General Conditions of Carriage, as well as to the regulations of DreamJet or the codeshare partner providing the service.
Article 1 - Définitions
The termsused in these General Conditions of Carriage, listed below, have the followingmeanings (in singular or plural):
AuthorizedAgent: Refers toany ticket sales agent for Passengers appointed by the Carrier to represent itin selling air transportation services on the Carrier’s routes.
Baggage: Refers to personal itemsaccompanying the Passenger on the Flight. Unless otherwise specified, this termrefers to both Checked Baggage and Unchecked Baggage.
CheckedBaggage: Refers toBaggage taken into custody by the Carrier, for which the Carrier has issued aBaggage Identification Tag and/or Baggage Check. This Checked Baggage istransported in the aircraft's hold.
UncheckedBaggage (or Hand Baggage): Refers to all Baggage other than Checked Baggage. The Passengercarries it on board the aircraft.
Ticket: Refers to a valid documentestablishing the Passenger's right to be transported by the Carrier. Thisdocument is issued to the Passenger by the Carrier or an Authorized Agent inthe form of an Electronic Ticket or Travel Document.
ConjunctionTicket: Refers to aTicket issued to the Passenger solely in conjunction with another Ticket,forming a single transportation contract.
ElectronicTicket: Refers toan Itinerary and Receipt, Electronic Flight Coupons, and any other boardingdocument issued to the Passenger.
BaggageCheck: Refers tothe parts of the Passenger’s Ticket related to the transport of the Passenger'sChecked Baggage.
CarrierDesignator Code:Refers to the two or three letters and number identifying a specific airline.
GeneralConditions of Carriage: Refers to these General Conditions of Carriage for Passengers or,where applicable, those of the Carrier performing the transportation service.
Consumer: Refers to any individual who haspurchased a Ticket for travel purposes not related to their commercial,industrial, artisanal, or professional activity.
Convention: Refers, as applicable, to one ofthe following conventions or any convention amending and/or replacing theseconventions:
- The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air of October 12, 1929 (referred to hereafter as the Warsaw Convention),
- The Hague Protocol of September 28, 1955, and Montreal Protocols Nos. 1, 2, and 4 of 1975 amending the Warsaw Convention,
- The Guadalajara Supplementary Convention of September 18, 1961,
- The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed in Montreal on May 28, 1999 (also called the Montreal Convention).
Coupon: Refers to a paper Flight Couponand/or an Electronic Flight Coupon, each containing the name of the Passengerto travel on the Flight identified on the Coupon, conferring the Passenger theright to travel on the specific Flight indicated.
FlightCoupon: Refers tothe part of the Ticket marked “Good for passage.” In the case of an ElectronicTicket, it refers to the Electronic Flight Coupon.
ElectronicFlight Coupon:Refers to an electronic Flight Coupon for an Electronic Ticket stored in theCarrier’s database.
PassengerCoupon: Refers tothe part of the Ticket labeled as such, which must be retained by thePassenger.
Damage: Refers to death, bodily injury,material or financial loss (total or partial), theft, or any other harm,including delays related to Baggage or arising from air transportation orrelated services provided by the Carrier or its subcontractors as part of airtransportation, or delays experienced by a Passenger.
SDRs(Special Drawing Rights): Refers to Special Drawing Rights as defined by the InternationalMonetary Fund.
Stopovers: Refers to intermediate stopsduring the journey, excluding the departure and destination airports, asindicated on the Ticket or in the schedules, as planned stops on the itinerary.
BaggageIdentification Tag:Refers to the document provided to the Passenger to individually identify eachChecked Baggage.
ForceMajeure: Refers toany unforeseeable, external, and insurmountable event preventing the executionof all or part of the obligations arising from the transportation contract.Force majeure includes, but is not limited to, war, civil war, riots, acts ofterrorism, attacks, natural disasters, explosions, fires, strikes and labordisputes of the Carrier’s staff or third parties, weather conditions,shortages, or significant increases in the price of jet fuel.
Check-inDeadline: Refers tothe deadline determined by the Carrier issuing the Ticket by which thePassenger must have completed check-in and received a boarding pass.
Itineraryand Receipt: Refersto one or more documents issued in paper format, by fax, by email, or deliveredelectronically to Passengers traveling with Tickets or electronic travelrights. This document or documents mention the Passenger's name, Flightinformation, and a receipt.
Days: Refers to each of the seven daysof the week.
Passenger: Refers to any individual holding aTicket, transported or to be transported on an aircraft, excluding crewmembers; or, in the case of Ticket reimbursement, the person who paid for it.
TransitPassenger: Refersto a Passenger arriving at an airport to continue their journey to anothercountry:
- On the same Flight, from that airport;
- On a Connecting Flight, from that airport;
- On a Connecting Flight, from another airport;
- On a continuing Flight on the same route, from that airport.
CodeSharing: Refers toa Flight operated either by the Carrier or by an airline with which the Carrierhas associated its Designator Code.
ValidityPeriod: Refers tothe period during which the Ticket is valid for transportation purposes.
PersonEntitled to Compensation: Refers to the Passenger or any individual entitled to claimcompensation on behalf of said Passenger under applicable law.
Carrier’sRegulations: Refersto the specific regulations of the Carrier concerning unaccompanied minors,Passengers with reduced mobility, pregnant women, ill Passengers, thetransportation of animals, restrictions on the use of electronic devicesonboard, the prohibition of smoking and alcohol consumption onboard, prohibiteditems in Baggage, and limits on the dimensions, size, and weight of Baggage.
Reservation: Refers to a transport request madeby a Passenger and recorded by the Carrier or an Authorized Agent.
Fares: Refers to the fare conditionspublished by the Carrier and, where applicable, filed with the competentauthorities.
TravelDocument: Refers toa Ticket in a form other than an Electronic Ticket.
Carrier: Refers to DreamJet or any othercarrier whose Designator Code appears on the Ticket or Conjunction Ticket.
Flight: Refers to a flight operated by theCarrier.
ConnectingFlight: Refers toany Flight following the initial Flight from the place of departure, continuingthe journey on the same Ticket or a Conjunction Ticket.
Article 2 – Champ d’application
2.1 General Principles
The GeneralConditions of Carriage, unless otherwise specified, apply to any Flight orportion of a Flight for which the Carrier’s Designator Code appears on theTicket or Coupon, as well as to any other situation where the Carrier islegally responsible to the Passenger under the transportation contractconcluded between the Carrier and the Passenger.
However,the General Conditions of Carriage do not apply in situations where theyconflict with applicable law or filed Tariffs, in which case such law orTariffs shall prevail.
In theevent of a discrepancy between the General Conditions of Carriage and theCarrier’s Regulations, the General Conditions of Carriage shall prevail. If oneor more provisions of the General Conditions of Carriage are invalidated, theremaining provisions of the General Conditions of Carriage shall remain validand enforceable.
2.2 CodeSharing
Certain airservices operated by DreamJet may be subject to Code Sharing agreements withother carriers. In such cases, the General Conditions of Carriage shall apply,and the Passenger will be informed of the identity of the Carrier at the timeof Reservation or, at the latest, during check-in.
Article 3 - Tickets
3.1 Ticket Properties
Tickets are nominative. Only Passengers whose names appear on the Ticket may be carried. The identity of the ticket holder can be verified at any time.
Unless otherwise specified, the beneficiary of a Ticket, identified as such on the Ticket, is not authorized to transfer or transfer the Ticket.
Tickets sold by the Carrier or an Authorized Agent may be, depending on the case, partially or completely non-refundable. It is up to the Passenger to choose the Rates that best meet their expectations and to ensure that they take out the appropriate insurance to cover the cases where they have to cancel their trip, to the exclusion of any liability of the Carrier.
The Ticket is, and remains at all times, the property of the Carrier. The recipient of the Ticket must ensure before traveling that it is not lost or stolen.
The price paid by the Passenger is based on the Carrier's Tariff for transport indicated on the Ticket.
3.2 Conditions of use of Tickets and Flight Vouchers
Only Passengers presenting a valid Electronic Ticket or Ticket are entitled to be carried on a Flight. However, a Passenger presenting a Ticket containing all of the following items may be authorized to be carried:
- the Flight Coupon for this Flight,
- any other unused Flight Vouchers, and
- the Passenger Coupon.
The beneficiary of a damaged, torn, damaged, modified or altered Ticket may be refused to be transported, without this engaging the responsibility of DreamJet or the Carrier.
The Ticket is valid only for the transport indicated on it, from the place of departure to the final destination via all agreed Stops. As such, the Passenger must use all the Vouchers in the order indicated on the Ticket for the Ticket to be valid.
The Carrier will accept each Ticket Flight Coupon for transport in the class, on the date and on the Flight for which the Passenger has a Reservation, unless the Passenger does not meet the check-in and boarding conditions provided for in the General Conditions of Carriage, or the Carrier must prevent him from boarding due to overbooking, or the Carrier exercises his right to refuse to transport him in accordance with the General Conditions of Carriage.
If the Carrier issues a Ticket without a Booking being indicated on it, the Passenger may make a Booking later. However, this possibility will depend on the Rate applicable on the date of the subsequent Booking and on the availability of a seat on the Flight chosen by the Passenger.
Cancellation by the Passenger of a Booking before the Check-in Deadline for their Flight will not necessarily result in the cancellation of their Return Ticket or their Reservations for the rest of the trip.
If the Passenger does not cancel a Booking before the Check-in Deadline for their Flight, and does not show up for boarding, the Carrier may decide to cancel their return Ticket and/or Bookings for the rest of the trip.
3.3 Modifying the Ticket
Any modification of the Ticket must be made with the agreement of the Carrier or Authorized Agent and according to the terms and rates defined by the Carrier or the Authorized Agent.
If some changes do not result in price changes (based on the Rates shown), other changes, such as changing the departure point or travel destination, may result in changing the applicable Tariff. Many Fares are only valid on the dates and for the flights indicated on the Ticket and cannot be changed unless you pay an additional price. It is the Passenger's responsibility to inquire about the conditions for modifying his Ticket from the Carrier.
3.4 Ticket validity period
Unless otherwise indicated on the Ticket, in the General Conditions of Carriage, or in any applicable Tariffs, a Ticket may be used for transport purposes during:
- one (1) year from the date of its issue, or
- for Tickets covering several transports, one (1) year from the date on which the Passenger travelled for the first time using the Ticket, provided that the first Flight was made within one year following the date of issue.
Article 4 - Réservations
4.1 General Provisions
The Carrieror the Authorized Agent registers the Reservation in the Carrier's computersystem. At the Passenger's request, the Carrier or the Authorized Agent willprovide the Passenger with written confirmation of their Reservation.
CertainFares come with conditions that limit or exclude the Passenger's rights tomodify or cancel their Reservation.
The Carrieror Authorized Agents may charge the Passenger additional fees for the issuanceor modification of their Ticket, or for the provision of other Reservationservices, in accordance with the applicable Fare on the date of such issuanceor modification.
4.2 Cancellation of the Reservation in Case of Non-Payment
If thePassenger fails to pay the price of their Ticket, surcharges, taxes, fees,charges, or dues by the date specified by the Carrier or the Authorized Agent,the latter may decide to cancel the Reservation, without prejudice to thecollection of any related fees.
4.3 Personal Data
The Carrierand its affiliated companies, Authorized Agents, and any other entitiesinvolved in the provision of reservation, payment, transportation, or facilityservices, as well as related services or data processing companies, may use thepersonal data collected during the Reservation process. This includes anyinformation regarding purchase history and how the individual uses theCarrier's services and facilities, for non-commercial purposes.
With theprior consent of the individual, such personal data may be used for commercialpurposes.
Publicauthorities, particularly law enforcement and prevention authorities, mayrequire the disclosure of this information, without the Carrier or AuthorizedAgents being able to oppose such requests. The individual's personal data may,if necessary, be sent outside the European Economic Area.
Individualshave the right to access, modify, and rectify the personal informationcollected, stored, and transferred, where such information proves to beinaccurate or incomplete. They may exercise this right by sending a letter tothe headquarters of DreamJet (53, avenue Jean Jaurès, 93350 Le Bourget,France).
4.4 Passengers Requiring Special Arrangements
A Passengermay request special assistance from the Carrier or the Authorized Agent at thetime of Reservation. In such cases, the Carrier or Authorized Agent will makeevery reasonable effort to fulfill the Passenger's request. The Carrier maydecide, at any boarding and/or transfer point, to refuse transport to thePassenger or their Baggage if the Passenger requests special assistance atcheck-in or boarding that was not requested at the time of the travelReservation.
The Carriermay also decide, at any boarding and/or transfer point, to refuse transport tothe Passenger or their Baggage if the Passenger is an unaccompanied child, apregnant woman, or a sick Passenger, and reasonable arrangements for theirtransport were not made prior to their check-in.
In theabove cases, the Carrier reserves the right to cancel the Passenger'sReservation and terminate the Contract of Carriage without refunding the priceof the Ticket. The Passenger will be denied boarding and must bear allconsequent costs.
A medicalcertificate is not required to fly before 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Between 28 and 35 weeks of pregnancy, we recommend presenting a medicalcertificate. The purpose of the certificate is to indicate your due date andconfirm that your pregnancy is free of complications.
Beyond 35 weeks of pregnancy at the time of the flight, transport is no longerpermitted.
4.5 Seat
The Carriercannot guarantee that the Passenger will be able to occupy a specific seat.Seat assignments may be modified at any time, even after boarding the aircraft,based on operational, safety, or security needs.
4.6 Aircraft Type
Theaircraft type indicated to the Passenger at the time of Ticket Reservation orsubsequently is provided for information purposes only. Safety and securityrequirements, reasons beyond the Carrier’s control, or operational constraintsmay compel the Carrier to change the aircraft type without incurring anyliability.
4.7 Reconfirmation of Reservations
In certaincases, the Passenger may be required to reconfirm their Reservations. TheCarrier will inform the Passenger of the conditions and deadlines forreconfirming Reservations in order to continue their journey or complete theirreturn trip.
If thePassenger fails to reconfirm Reservations within the conditions and deadlinesindicated by the Carrier, the Carrier may decide to cancel Reservations forintermediate, subsequent, or return flights, without prejudice to thecollection of any related fees.
Article 5 - Passenger rights
5.1 Passenger rights in case of Force Majeure
All or part of the Ticket price, when the trip could not be completed due to a case of Force Majeure, may be non-refundable. In such a situation, the Carrier grants the Consumer a credit for the non-refundable part of the price when the following conditions are cumulatively met:
- the Consumer has a Ticket that has absolutely not been used;
- the Consumer promptly notified the Carrier of the existence of Force Majeure events and,
- the Consumer provides the Carrier with proof of the reality of these Force Majeure events.
The credit can be used for a subsequent trip for a transport carried out with the Carrier, by the Passenger or by any person of his choice. The Carrier reserves the right to charge administrative fees, the amount of which will be charged against this credit.
5.2 The Passenger's right to transfer their Booking when the regulations for travel packages, vacation packages and organized travel packages apply
If the Passenger requests it, the Carrier or an Authorized Agent may issue a new Ticket to another person in place of the Passenger Ticket when the legal and regulatory conditions require it in terms of travel packages, vacation packages and organized travel packages.
In such a case, the Passenger must:
- provide proof of the fact that he has complied with legal and regulatory provisions and that he is entitled to transfer the Booking;
- notify the Carrier or an Authorized Agent with reasonable notice, and no later than seven (7) days before the start of the trip, of its intention to transfer the Booking prior to the departure date;
- provide the Carrier or an Authorized Agent with the full name, address and telephone number of the person in whose name he wishes the new Ticket to be issued;
- deliver the Ticket to the Carrier or to an Authorized Agent and pay the Carrier or Authorized Agent an administrative fee in connection with the issuance of the new Ticket.
Article 6 — Passengers with reduced mobility
6.1 General provisions and reservations
Any Passenger with reduced mobility who needs specific assistance is requested to inform the Carrier of their particular needs at the time of Booking.
The Carrier ensures the transport of Passengers with reduced mobility when arrangements have been made to take into account their particular needs. Even when the Passenger does not inform the Carrier, at the time of Booking, of his particular needs, the Carrier undertakes to make every reasonable effort to take into account his particular needs. In this case, the Carrier will only be bound by an obligation of means.
6.2 Headquarter
All seat rules contained in the General Conditions of Carriage apply to the allocation of seats to Passengers with reduced mobility. When, in addition, the Passenger's disability requires that he be assigned a bulkhead seat, for example, in the case of a disability for which he must be accompanied in the cabin by a service dog, in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of Carriage, and insofar as the Passenger with reduced mobility actually requests a bulkhead seat, this seat will be made available to him, if it has not already been assigned to another Passenger with reduced mobility.
6.3 Travel with an escort
When this is imperative for the safety of the Passenger with reduced mobility, or if the Passenger with reduced mobility is unable to ensure their own evacuation from the aircraft, or if the Passenger with reduced mobility cannot understand the safety instructions, the Carrier may assign accompanying personnel to the Passenger.
6.4 Baggage
The transport of assistive devices, such as a wheelchair or a cane, is free, so they will not be included in the Baggage Allowance.
For flights where the use of medical oxygen is authorized, the use of the medical oxygen service will be invoiced in addition to the price of the Ticket to the Passenger with reduced mobility. In addition, Passengers with reduced mobility must be assisted by an accompanying person.
The Carrier reserves the right not to accept Passengers who have to travel on a stretcher.
Article 7 - Check-in and boarding
The Passenger must have completed the check-in process and received their boarding pass for the Flight no later than the Check-in Deadline. Otherwise, the Carrier may decide to cancel the Passenger's Booking and not to transport the Passenger.
The Passenger must inform himself in advance of the Check-in Deadlines and respect them. If the Passenger's trip includes subsequent trips, he must inquire about the Check-in Deadlines with the carriers concerned.
The Passenger must arrive at the boarding gate no later than the time indicated during check-in. Otherwise, the Carrier may decide not to transport the Passenger.
Under no circumstances can the Carrier be held liable in the event of non-compliance by the Passenger with the deadlines mentioned above.
Article 8 — Prices, surcharges, taxes, fees and charges, currency
8.1 Prices and surcharges
Unless otherwise specified, the ticket price includes transport from the airport of departure to the airport of destination, with the exception of any other service. In particular, the price shown on the Ticket does not include land transfers between one airport and another, or between an airport and an urban terminal.
The price of the Ticket is determined by the Carrier in accordance with the Rates in force on the date the Ticket is issued. The price will be determined for travel on specific dates and for the itinerary indicated on the Ticket.
Any change in itinerary or travel dates may involve a change in the Tariff applicable to the Passenger.
8.2 Taxes, fees and charges
The Carrier may charge any surcharges in addition to the ticket price, in accordance with the Carrier's Rates in force on the date on which the Carrier issued the Ticket. These surcharges may in particular be fuel or insurance surcharges.
Any taxes, fees, charges or fees imposed by the government of a State, by any other authority or by the manager or operator of an airport will be borne by the Passenger in addition to the applicable Tariff.
When purchasing a Ticket, the Passenger is informed of any taxes, fees, charges or fees not included in the price and these may, in most cases, be mentioned separately on the Ticket.
Taxes, fees, charges or fees may be created, imposed, or changed after the date the Ticket was issued. In the event of the creation, imposition or modification of these taxes, fees, charges or fees after the Ticket has been issued, the Passenger undertakes to pay the amount of these taxes, fees, charges or fees.
In the same way, if taxes, fees, charges or fees paid by the Passenger in addition to the Tariff applicable when the Ticket was issued, are abolished or reduced, the Passenger may, at his request, be reimbursed.
If the Passenger does not use his Ticket, he may request a refund of all taxes, fees, charges or fees that he has paid, minus administrative fees, if the applicable texts provide for this possibility.
8.3 Currency
Unless expressly authorized in writing by the Carrier or the Authorized Agent, the price of the Tickets as well as the taxes, fees, charges and surcharges are only payable in the currency indicated by the Carrier or the Authorized Agent when the Ticket was purchased.
In the event of a refund, in application of the General Conditions of Carriage, the Carrier reimburses the price of the Ticket as well as, where applicable, the taxes, fees, charges and surcharges in the same manner and in the same currency as that used to pay for the Ticket.
Article 9 — Denial of boarding and Flight ban
9.1 Denied boarding
The Carrier may decide, at any boarding and/or connection point, to refuse to transport a Passenger and/or their Baggage, in particular when at least one of the situations listed below has occurred, or when the Carrier reasonably considers that such a situation is likely to occur:
- The physical or mental condition of the Passenger, or his behavior presents a danger or even a risk for himself or for other Passengers, crew or property.
- The transport of the Passenger, or that of his Baggage, is likely to compromise the safety of the aircraft, the transport of other Passengers, the safety or health of any person on board the aircraft or the safety of the goods transported.
- The Passenger has used threats, abusive remarks or insults, or behaved in a threatening, abusive, abusive or violent manner towards ground personnel or other Passengers, or even a member of the aircraft's flight crew.
- The Passenger deliberately interfered with a member of the aircraft crew in the exercise of his duties.
- The Passenger is intoxicated or has used drugs.
- The Passenger is in possession of illegal drugs, or when there are legitimate reasons to believe that the Passenger is in possession of illegal drugs.
- The Passenger refuses to submit himself or his Baggage to a security check, and in general, when the Passenger refuses to comply with the safety or security instructions provided by the Carrier's ground staff or the aircraft crew.
- The Passenger endangered the safety of the aircraft or any person.
- The Passenger is the author of a false bomb threat or other security threat.
- The Passenger was guilty of a criminal offense during the check-in or boarding procedures or on board the aircraft.
- The Passenger attempts to enter the territory of a country without having valid travel documents for this purpose.
- The immigration control services of the country in which the Passenger goes or of a country in which the Passenger stops, have indicated verbally or in writing to the Carrier, that it has been decided not to allow the Passenger to enter the territory of this country, even if the Passenger has, or appears to have, valid travel documents.
- The Passenger destroys his travel documents during the Flight.
- The Passenger refused to allow the Carrier to photocopy his travel documents.
- The Passenger refused to present his travel documents to a member of the aircraft's flight crew when he asked him to do so.
- The Passenger asks the competent administrative authorities for authorization to enter the territory of a country in which the Passenger has landed as a Transit Passenger.
- The Carrier, by transporting the Passenger, would be in violation of any legislation or regulation or an administrative act, or even a court decision.
- The Passenger refused or omitted to provide the Carrier with information
- that an administrative authority requested him to provide to him concerning the Passenger, including any passenger information requested before the Flight.
- The Passenger does not present a valid ticket.
- The Passenger has not paid the price of the Ticket as well as any taxes, fees, charges or fees relating to the Flight.
- The Passenger does not meet the legal, regulatory or contractual conditions required to allow transport.
9.2 Flight ban on a Carrier's network of destinations
When circumstances so require, the Carrier may decide to prohibit a Passenger, for a fixed or indefinite period, from being transported on the Carrier's network of destinations. The Carrier shall notify the Passenger of its decision in writing.
The Carrier is entitled to refuse to transport a Passenger or the Baggage of a Passenger to whom the Carrier has sent a notification of a ban on transport when the Passenger has purchased his Ticket during the prohibition period.
Article 11 - Schedules, remedies in case of delay and cancellation and compensation for denied boarding
11.1 Schedules
Departure times, arrival times and flight times and the departure terminal are indicated in the schedules published by the Carrier on the Ticket or in the Itinerary and receipt provided to the Passenger for information purposes and are subject to change between the date of issue of the Ticket or Itinerary and the receipt and that of the actual transport. Departure times, arrival times and flight times, as well as the departure terminal may be changed by the Carrier without prior notice.
The departure times, arrival times and flight times indicated in the Carrier's timetables do not form part of the contract concluded between the Passenger and the Carrier. Consequently, the Carrier will not be liable, except when the Convention is applicable, for any damage whatsoever, direct or indirect, in the event of changes in these departure times, arrival times and flight times. Under no circumstances may the Passenger request any compensation from the Carrier for any compensation as a result of the modification of these schedules.
Except for acts or omissions with intent to cause Damage, the Carrier will in no event be liable for errors or omissions in schedules or for any other information provided by it, its employees, agents or subcontractors relating to departure and arrival times or other flight information.
The Carrier will not assume any responsibility for connecting flights. He undertakes to do his best to transport Passengers and their Baggage diligently (obligation of means).
11.2 Remedies in case of delay and cancellation
In accordance with European Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004, passengers affected by the cancellation of a flight are entitled to compensation, unless they are notified of the cancellation at least two weeks before the scheduled departure.
If they are notified between two weeks and seven days before departure, passengers benefit from an offered re-routing option allowing departure no earlier than two hours before the scheduled time and to reach the final destination less than four hours after the scheduled time of arrival. Or less than seven days prior to departure with a re-routing option that allows departure no earlier than one hour before the scheduled time and to reach the final destination less than two hours after the scheduled time of arrival.
In addition, in case of a delay of four hours or more for flights of more than 3500 km, regulatory compensation of €600 per passenger is provided.
In case of denied boarding:
-When an operating air carrier reasonably plans to refuse boarding a flight, it first calls on volunteers who agree to renounce their reservation. (In exchange for certain services, according to terms to be agreed between the passengers concerned and the actual air carrier and the assistance of the latter).
-If the number of volunteers is not sufficient to allow the boarding of other passengers with a reservation, the operating air carrier may refuse the boarding of passengers against their will. Assistance is guaranteed to them and immediate compensation for a total of €600 per passenger is paid to them.
The Air Carrier undertakes to respect the conventions, legislation and regulations applicable to the carriage of Passengers in terms of liability for delays, cancellations and denied boarding not justified by situations provided for in the General Conditions of Carriage.
Article 12 - Price refunds, surcharges, taxes, fees and charges
12.1 General provisions
A refund of Tickets can only be made when the refund is explicitly provided for by the General Conditions of Transport or the applicable mandatory regulations.
Ticket refunds are made exclusively by the carrier that issued the Ticket, after the latter's agreement, and can only be made when the Ticket has been issued by the Carrier or Authorized Agent and when the refund has been authorized by the Carrier.
Unless otherwise specified by the Carrier, the Carrier only reimburses or has reimbursed the person who actually paid for the Ticket, provided that the latter sufficiently proves their identity.
If the Passenger has not used any part of the Ticket, the refund is equal to the price and any surcharges, taxes, fees and charges paid by the Passenger, minus any cancellation and administrative costs.
If the Passenger has not used all or part of his Ticket, the refund will be at least equal to the difference between the price and any surcharges, taxes, fees and charges paid by the Passenger, and the price, all surcharges, all taxes, all taxes, all fees and all charges corresponding to the trip between the points for which the Passenger used the Ticket, minus any cancellation and administrative fees.
12.2 Refund of a lost Ticket
In the event of loss of the Ticket or part of the Ticket, the Carrier may agree to refund the price of the Ticket as long as the Passenger provides sufficient proof of the loss of this Ticket or part of this Ticket and pays the cancellation and administrative costs. The refund of the lost Ticket, or part of it, can only take place if the lost Ticket has not been used and has not already been refunded or replaced.
If the Carrier or Authorized Agent loses a Passenger's Ticket or part of it, the Carrier undertakes to replace or have the lost Ticket or part of the Ticket replaced. However, the Carrier will not be responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of the loss of the Ticket or the part of the Ticket concerned, so the Passenger will not be entitled to claim any compensation from the Carrier as a result.
12.3 Non-reimbursement of the price
Except where the legislation, regulations or the Agreement applicable to the carriage of the Passenger or to the sale of the Ticket concerned provides otherwise, the option to grant the reimbursement of all or part of the Ticket is left to the free discretion of the Carrier.
In particular, the Carrier reserves the right to refuse the reimbursement of all or part of the Ticket when the refund request is submitted to the Carrier after the end of the Ticket Validity Period.
In particular, the Carrier reserves the right to refuse the reimbursement of all or part of the Ticket when, after arriving in a country, the Passenger has presented his Ticket to the Carrier or to officials or public officials, as proof of his intention to leave that country, unless the Passenger is in a position to prove that he is authorized to stay in the country in question or that he will leave the country on another airline or by another means of transport.
Article 13 - Behaviour on board the aircraft
13.1 Dangerous behavior
If the Carrier has good reason to believe that the Passenger is putting or has endangered, for any reason whatsoever, the safety, security of the Flight, the aircraft or any person on board, including the crew, the Carrier may take all necessary security and safety measures, including coercion.
When the aircraft lands, the Carrier reserves the right to force the Passenger who has endangered, for any reason whatsoever, the safety and security of the Flight, the aircraft or any person on board, including the crew, to leave the aircraft and to refuse to transport it on the remaining segments of its journey shown on the Ticket.
The Carrier also reserves the right to report the incident that occurred on board to the competent authorities, so that they may initiate proceedings against it in connection with any criminal offenses of which the Passenger may be the author.
This will be the case in particular if the Passenger has:
- deliberately interfered with the crew in the performance of their duties;
- failed to comply with crew safety or security instructions;
- failed to comply with the instructions to “fasten your seat belt” or “no smoking”;
- committed a criminal offense;
- allowed his condition, physical or mental, to be affected by the consumption of drinks, medications or drugs;
- failed to comply with crew instructions regarding the consumption of drinks, medications, or drugs;
- was the author of a false bomb threat or any other security threat;
- threatened, abused, or insulted the crew or other Passengers;
- behaved in a threatening, rude, abusive or turbulent manner towards the crew or other Passengers.
13.2 Diversion costs resulting from unacceptable behavior
The Passenger is responsible for all direct and indirect Damages caused by their behavior. In particular, if, as a result of the Passenger's behavior, the Carrier diverts the aircraft to an unforeseen destination, the Passenger must pay all costs associated with this diversion. The Carrier reserves the right to sue the Passenger for any breaches committed on board the aircraft.
13.4 Use of electronic devices on board the aircraft
For safety reasons, the Carrier may decide not to allow Passengers to use electronic devices on board the aircraft, and in particular (without this list being exhaustive):
- mobile phones;
- laptop computers;
- tablets and e-readers;
- personal recorders;
- personal radios;
- MP3, tape, and CD players;
- electronic games, or
- transmission devices (for example, radio controlled toys or walkie-talkies)
E-cigarettes, including e-cigars and other personal vaporizers that contain batteries, should only be carried in carry-on baggage.
It is forbidden to recharge these devices and/or batteries on board the plane and must remain in the cabin bag for the duration of the flight.
Article 14 — Services provided by other companies
If the Carrier agrees, as part of the transport contract, to provide the Passenger with other ancillary services provided by third parties, it will not assume any responsibility for these services. The provision of these services, for which the Carrier will have, where applicable, issued a Ticket or other document, is governed by the general terms and conditions of the companies providing these services.
Article 15 - Travel documents, entry requirements, customs inspections and security checks
15.1 General provisions
(a) Passenger responsibilities and obligations:
The Passenger must inform himself about the conditions of entry into the territory applicable to any country to which he goes and in general to all the laws, regulations and acts of all countries that the Passenger leaves, enters or crosses by plane or in which he is in the capacity of Transit Passenger and undertakes to comply with them.
The Passenger must present to the Carrier, before his trip, at the time of check-in and boarding and in any case at all times, all passports, visas, health certificates and other valid and valid travel documents necessary for his trip. When required by law and applicable regulations, the Passenger must be present when their Baggage is inspected by customs officials or other agents.
(b) The Carrier is in no way responsible if the Passenger:
- is not in possession of the necessary passports, visas, health certificates and other travel documents;
- is in possession of invalid or expired passports, visas, health certificates or other documents; or
- did not comply with applicable laws, regulations and acts;
- was absent during the customs check of his Baggage and a Damage was suffered as part of the inspection.
(c) The Carrier reserves the right to require the Passenger to be authorized to make copies and to keep or have kept the originals and copies of passports, visas, health certificates and other travel documents securely until the end of the Flight.
15.2 Refusal to enter a territory
The Carrier is not responsible for the refusal and for the direct and indirect consequences of a refusal issued to the Passenger by the authorities and the government of this country upon entry into the territory of a country. Consequently, in the event of refusal of entry into the territory of a country, the Passenger will have to pay:
- any fine, penalty or charge that would be imposed on the Carrier by the competent government as a result of this refusal;
- any detention costs that would be invoiced to the Carrier;
- the price of transporting the Passenger back to his place of departure;
- any other costs that the Carrier would pay or should pay or would agree to pay with the authorities and/or the government of that country. Under no circumstances is the Carrier required to reimburse the Passenger, whose entry into the territory of the country of destination has been refused, for the Transport Ticket to the place where entry was refused.
15.3 Reimbursement of fines, detention costs and other charges
In the event of non-compliance by the Passenger with the laws or regulations, or other obligations applicable in terms of travel, entry to the country to which the Passenger travelled, or in the event of failure to produce the necessary documents required by this country, the Passenger is required to pay all fines, penalties, penalties, fees, charges or costs (such as, for example, detention fees) paid by the Carrier as a result of non-compliance with these laws,, or obligations.
The Carrier reserves the right to deduct the amount of the amounts paid by it due to the Passenger from the value of any unused portion of the Ticket, or from any amount belonging to the Passenger and in the possession of the Carrier.
15.4 Inspections by customs, police or other public authorities
When the laws, regulations or acts so provide, the Passenger must be present during the inspection of his Baggage by customs services or other competent officials or public officials. The Carrier is not responsible for direct or indirect damage suffered by the Passenger and/or his Baggage during an inspection or as a result of his absence during an inspection.
15.5 Security check
The Passenger authorizes officials or public officials, airport authority agents or the Carrier and its Authorized Agents to carry out security checks on him or his Baggage and undertakes not to oppose them.
Article 16 - Successive carriers
When several carriers participate in the provision of transport services under a Ticket, or under a Complementary Ticket, the transport is considered to be a single operation for the application of the Conventions.
Article 17 —Dreamjet's responsibility towards the Passenger and their luggage
DreamJet applies European Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 February 2004, establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and the cancellation or long delay of a flight, an upgrade or a downgrade, and repealing Regulation EEC No. 295/91 or any other regulation supplementing, replacing or replacing it. Departing from airports in countries outside the European Union, the Carrier implements the regulations applicable in this territory. Information relating to passengers' rights in the event of delay, cancellation or denial of boarding in particular, can be consulted on the European Union website by following the link below:
17.1 Scope
The General Conditions of Carriage govern DreamJet's liability when acting as a Carrier.
The terms of carriage of Dreamjet's Codeshare partners govern the liability of these carriers. The general conditions of carriage of each other carrier involved in the trip govern the liability of each of these carriers. These general conditions of carriage may provide for conditions and limits of liability that are more restrictive than the General Conditions of Carriage. If the air carrier actually operating the flight is not the same as the one with which a contract of carriage was concluded, the Passenger has the right to file a complaint or claim with one or the other.
17.2 General provisions
If DreamJet is liable, it is incurred only under the conditions set out in this article. In the event of an inconsistency between the Convention or other laws in force and this article 17, the Convention and other applicable laws shall prevail if their application is of public order.
DreamJet cannot be held liable when DreamJet or its agents:
- have complied with applicable laws, regulations, and public standards; or
- that the Passenger has not respected the laws, regulations and public standards in force.
Unless otherwise provided in the General Conditions of Carriage, DreamJet's liability is limited to the compensatory Damages that the Passenger is entitled to receive as a result of proven damages or costs, in accordance with the Convention or applicable laws.
The contract of carriage concluded between DreamJet and the Passenger (including the General Conditions of Carriage) applies to DreamJet agents, agents, employees and representatives in the same manner as it applies to DreamJet. Consequently, the total amount that the Passenger is, if applicable, entitled to recover from DreamJet, as well as from its agents, servants, employees and representatives, will not exceed the total amount of DreamJet's liability.
Nothing in the General Conditions of Carriage constitutes any waiver of any exclusion or limitation of liability to which DreamJet is entitled under the Agreement or any law that may apply.
Nothing in the General Conditions of Carriage prohibits DreamJet from excluding or limiting its liability under the Convention or any laws that may apply, nor does it constitute a waiver of any defense at its disposal under the Convention or any laws that may apply, against any social insurance organization or any person who may pay, or have paid, compensation in the event of the death of a Passenger, or injury or personal injury suffered by him.
17.3 Compensation in the event of the death of a Passenger, injury or any other bodily injury suffered by a Passenger
DreamJet is responsible for Damage incurred in the event of death or injury suffered by a Passenger, when the accident that caused the Damage occurred on board the aircraft under their control or during any boarding and disembarking operations on such aircraft, and subject to cases of exemption from liability.
DreamJet's liability in the event of death, injury or any other personal injury suffered by a Passenger as a result of an accident will not be subject to any financial limitation. The amount of reparable damage will only cover the value of the damage actually suffered, as determined by amicable agreement, expert opinion or by the competent courts.
DreamJet will only indemnify the Passenger in excess of the amounts received by the latter, under the social or insurance regime to which they are affiliated and for Compensatory Damages only.
If the Damage was caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence, or other wrongful act, or a faulty omission of the injured or deceased Passenger, or the person claiming compensation, DreamJet may be released, in whole or in part, from its liability, in accordance with applicable law.
Likewise, DreamJet may be exempt, in whole or in part, from its liability, if the death, disability, illness or personal injury that occurs result from the Passenger's state of health, physical or mental, prior to boarding the flight, or from its worsening.
When Personal Injury is likely to exceed 151 880 SDR per Passenger, it will be reduced accordingly if the Damage is not due to negligence, or to any other wrongful act, or to an omission attributable to DreamJet, or attributable to one of its agents, agents or servants or if the Damage is solely the result of the negligence, other wrongful act or omission of a third party.
In the event of death or personal injury resulting from an air accident, within the meaning of the Convention, applicable laws or regulations, the person identified as a Person Entitled to Compensation may benefit from an advance allowing him to meet his immediate needs, in proportion to the material damage suffered. This advance will not be less than the equivalent in EURO of 16,000 SDR per Passenger in the event of death. Subject to the law in force, this advance will be paid within fifteen (15) days of the identification of the beneficiary and will be deductible from the final amount of the repairs due to the deceased Passenger.
The payment of advances or advance payments does not constitute an acknowledgement of DreamJet's liability and such amounts may be deducted from amounts subsequently paid by DreamJet as compensation, depending on DreamJet's responsibility.
17.4 Compensation for Damages Caused to Passengers by Delay
Only direct, proven and resulting directly and/or exclusively from a delay is reparable, to the exclusion of any indirect damage, which is not exclusively due to it or any form of damage that is not compensatory for damage actually suffered. The Passenger must establish the existence of the Damage resulting directly and exclusively from the delay.
DreamJet's liability for Damage caused to a Passenger by a delay is limited to 6303 SDR.
DreamJet will not be liable for Damages caused to the Passenger as a result of a delay, as long as DreamJet or its agents took all reasonable steps to avoid the Damage, or if it was impossible for DreamJet or its agents to take such measures.
17.5 Compensation in case of damage caused to Baggage or resulting from delayed Baggage
If DreamJet issues a Ticket for carriage by another Carrier (other than under the CE airline designation code) or checks Baggage intended for transport by another carrier (other than under the CE airline designation code), DreamJet acts exclusively as the agent of that carrier, which will therefore be solely responsible for any Damage. However, with regard to Checked Baggage, the Passenger has a right of appeal against the first or last Carrier involved in his trip.
DreamJet is not responsible, in any way whatsoever, for Damage to items that the Passenger has placed in their Checked Baggage in violation of the prohibitions provided in this regard by the General Conditions of Carriage, or in the case of authorized firearms, when the Passenger has not complied with applicable laws and regulations and with the General Conditions of Carriage.
DreamJet is in no way responsible for any Damage caused to Hand Baggage or items placed by the Passenger in their Hand Baggage.
DreamJet's liability may not exceed the amount of proven direct and/or exclusive Damages and DreamJet will in no way be liable for indirect damages, which are not exclusively caused by DreamJet or for any form of damage that is not compensatory for the harm actually suffered.
DreamJet's liability for Damage caused to Baggage, including any Damage resulting from a delay, is limited to 1519 SDR, except when the Passenger proves that the Damage results directly and exclusively from an act or omission attributable to DreamJet or its agents:
- committed with the intent to inflict Harm, or
- recklessly, and knowing that damage would likely result, insofar as the Passenger provides evidence that the DreamJet employees or agents responsible for the act or omission were acting within the scope of their duties.
When the Passenger validly completes a special declaration attesting to a higher value and pays the applicable fees, DreamJet's liability will be limited to the higher declared value.
Unless otherwise required, DreamJet is not responsible for Damage caused to Baggage as a result of a delay.
DreamJet is not responsible for Damages caused by Passenger Baggage. The Passenger is solely responsible for any Damage caused by their Baggage to other persons or property, including those of DreamJet or its agents.
Article 18 — Baggage Complaints
The receipt of a Baggage, by the Passenger or by a person in possession of a Baggage Check or a Baggage Identification Form, of a Checked Baggage, without complaint on the part of the given time, constitutes sufficient proof of the fact that this Baggage was delivered to him in good condition and in accordance with the General Conditions of Carriage.
In the event of Damage to Checked Baggage, the Passenger must send the Carrier a written complaint as soon as the Damage is discovered by the Carrier, and at the latest within seven (7) Days of the date on which the Passenger receives the Checked Baggage concerned.
In the event of a delay in the transport of Checked Baggage, the Passenger must send the Carrier a written complaint within twenty-one (21) days following the date on which the last Checked Baggage was made available to him.
Article 19 — Time limits for appeal
The Passenger or his dependants are deprived of their right to compensation when no action is brought within two (2) years from:
- the date of arrival at the place of destination;
- the date the aircraft should have arrived; or
- the date on which the transport was completed.
The method for calculating the limitation period will be determined by the legislation of the jurisdiction competent to hear the appeal.
Article 20 — Notifications and deadlines
With respect to the sending of notifications, the Carrier will not count the day on which such notification was sent. To determine the validity of a Ticket, the Carrier will not count the day it was issued or the day the flight started.
Article 21 - End of the Contract
If the Passenger does not comply with the provisions contained in the contract of carriage, the General Conditions of Carriage, the General Conditions of Carriage, the regulations of the Carrier and the applicable laws and regulations, the contract of carriage will be automatically terminated without prior notice or formal notification, and the amounts already collected from the Ticket price will be retained definitively by the Carrier.
Article 22 —Applicable Law and Competent Court
Unless otherwise provided by public order: (i) the General Conditions of Carriage are subject to French law, to the exclusion of any Convention or rules relating to conflicts of law; (ii) any dispute relating to the General Conditions of Transport and the activities they govern will be brought before the competent Court of Paris (France).
In application of article R322-2 of the French Civil Aviation Code, any action for liability against the carrier as a result of the transport service will be brought, at the choice of the applicant, either before the court of the carrier's domicile, the main seat of the carrier or the place where he owns an establishment by the care of which the contract was concluded, or before the court of the place of destination.
In the event of a dispute between the professional and the consumer, they will endeavour to find an amicable solution.
In the absence of an amicable agreement, the consumer has the option of referring free of charge to the consumer mediator responsible for the professional, namely the Association of European Mediators (AME CONSO), within one year from the date of the written complaint sent to the professional.
The referral to the consumer mediator must be made:
- or by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website: ;
- or by post addressed to AME CONSO, 11 Place Dauphine — 75001 PARIS.